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15 Essential places to See in Luxor, Egypt

Luxor is one of the most important cities to visit in Egypt. Known in the time of the pharaohs as Thebes, Luxor was the capital of Ancient Egypt for more than 1,500 years. In it are some of the main monuments and temples of Egypt.

Although you can visit the city for free, you should keep in mind that to learn about its history you will need to book a guided visit or tour.

To know all the important places of the city it takes 3 or 4 days.

In this post I talk about the 15 essential places to see in Luxor, I add useful information about the best guided tours and options for where to stay.

Luxor, Egipto


1. The Luxor Temple, the most essential monument to see in Luxor

The Temple of Luxor is located in the center of Ancient Thebes, on the banks of the Nile River. It was built during the dynasties of the 18th and 19th centuries in honor of the god Amun.

It stands out for its two enormous statues of more than 15 meters high of Ramses II sitting next to an obelisk. Formerly there were two obelisks, but one of them was donated to France in 1836 and you will find it in the center of the Place de la Concorde in Paris. In the obelisk you will find a battle narrated.

Inside you can visit different patios surrounded by enormous columns, statues of Ramses II and different worship rooms.

Luxor, Egipto

2. The Temple of Karnak

The Karnak Temple is a temple complex that also includes pylons, chapels and other buildings within the compound. It is located on the banks of the Nile River and is a must-see in Luxor. It is the largest religious complex in the country and was built in the early Middle Kingdom between 2040 and 1782 BC. The complex is divided into two main sections; the enclosure of Amun-Ra and the enclosure of Mut. It stands out mainly for having a room with 134 columns full of hieroglyphs.

Luxor, Egipto

3. The Colossi of Memnon and its imposing statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep II

The Colossi of Memnon are two enormous statues built of sandstone. These two statues measure 20 meters high and weigh around 750 tons each. They represent Pharaoh Amenophis III, who reigned in Egypt from 1390 to 1353 BC. These two statues were part of a huge funerary temple that, in addition to the temple, also had a sacred lake, a lush forest, and a botanical garden. In the year 27 B.C. An earthquake destroyed most of the grounds and the top of one of the statues.

4. The Valley of the Queens, an essential place to see in Egypt

The Valley of the Queens is one of the essential places to see in Luxor. It was the place destined for the burial of the queens and princesses of the New Kingdom dating from 1550 to 1070 BC. This place houses around 60 tombs, most of them very well decorated with frescoes and reliefs depicting scenes of life and death. In the Valley of the Queens we can find the tomb of Nefertari, who was the favorite wife of Ramses II, and the tomb of Hastshepsut, who was one of the few pharaohs of Egypt.

5. The Valley of the Kings, a must see in Luxor

The Valley of the Kings was the place chosen to bury the pharaohs of Egypt of the New Kingdom that covers the years between 1550 and 1070 BC. In addition, there are also some nobles and priests buried in the area.

The Valley is home to around 60 tombs, some of the most famous being the tomb of Tutankhamun, the tomb of Ramses II and the tomb of Seti I.

Luxor, Egipto

6. The Temple of Hatshepsut

The Temple of Hatshepsut is a funerary temple built by order of Queen Hatshepsut during her 22-year reign. The temple is built in the form of terraces that are joined by stairs, on the slope of the rocky mountain. The temple is dedicated to the god of the Egyptian pantheon, Amun Ra.

The interior of the temple is decorated with frescoes and reliefs that represent moments and scenes from the life and death of Queen Hatshepsut.

Luxor, Egipto

7. Ramesseum

Ramesseum is a funerary temple built by order of Ramses II between 1279 and 1259 BC. The temple is surrounded by an adobe wall and to access the temple you must go through a door crossed by two colossi of Ramses II, each of them measuring 20 meters.

The complex where the temple is located has 3 patios, a hypostyle hall and a sanctuary. The temple is dedicated to the God Amun and currently, it is still being excavated since it is not 100% discovered.

8. The Valley of the Nobles

The Valley of the Nobles is another of the essential places to see in Luxor. It is a necropolis and the place where many of the nobles and officials of the New Kingdom have been buried. The valley contains more than 400 tombs, carved into the sandstone rock of the valley. The tombs that stand out the most are the Tomb of Menna, the Tomb of Sennefer and the Tomb of Ramose.

9. The Temple of Abydos

If you have not yet tired of visiting temples, the Temple of Abydos is another of the interesting temples to visit near Luxor.

Abydos is a city on the banks of the Nile River that is home to the famous temple that bears its name. It was ordered to be built by Seti I in honor of Osiris.

In this temple not only are important scenes from the lives of Seti I and Ramesses II represented, but it is where the famous royal lists are found, with the names of the 77 kings of Egypt from Menes to Seti I himself.

10. The Luxor Museum

This small museum is one of the most visited in Egypt after the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. In it you will find a large collection of pieces found in the surrounding temples and the Theban necropolis.

In the museum you can see several statues, fragments of reliefs, paintings, sarcophagi, weapons, jewels... The pieces from the tomb of Tutankhamun, the statue of Tutmosis III and the reconstruction of a mural from the Temple of Karnak stand out.

11. The souk of Luxor, the perfect place to stroll without haste

This lively and colorful market is the perfect place to stroll unhurriedly and disconnect from so many temple visits. You will find many shops selling antiques, clothes, souvenirs… Don't forget to haggle the price.

12. Enjoy a hot air balloon ride over Luxor

One of the best activities to do in Luxor is to enjoy a balloon flight. The Luxor area is very desert and the landscape arid, but it is worth it to be able to enjoy the views, see the Nile river, the temples from the heights... In Luxor the balloon ride is quite cheap if we compare it with other destinations, so Take the opportunity to add this activity to your trip to Egypt.

Luxor, Egipto

13. Banana Island

Feluccas leave from the port of Luxor to take a ride sailing the Nile and one of the options to visit Banana Island.

On this island you will find numerous banana, mango and guava plantations.

14. The Mosque of Abu Haggag

In the center of the city of Luxor is the Abu Haggag Mosque, a beautiful mosque that stands out for its two minarets. The Mosque was built in the 11th century and is dedicated to the Muslim saint of the same name.

15. Edfu and Kom Ombo

40 kilometers from Aswan are the impressive temples of Kom Ombo and Edfu, essential places to see in Egypt. In the town of Kom Ombo is the site on which the temple of Sobek and the temple of Haroeris are located. In them you can see some carved hieroglyphs.

Just 5 minutes from the temple is the Crocodile Museum, where you can see the permanent collection where these reptiles so adored in Ancient Egypt are venerated.

In the town of Edfu is the temple of Horus, a falcon god, which today still generates many unknowns.

Luxor, Egipto


Luxor is not as big a city as Cairo, nor will you find as many hotels. However, you have all kinds of accommodation and for all budgets. You can find 5-star hotels for about 100 euros a night in rooms. Double and breakfast included. Or you can even stay in pensions for 20 euros a night in rooms. Double.

Some great options where to stay in Luxor:


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